I have written about consistency in probably 50% of all posts, and yet it is still so important that I dedicate an own chapter to this topic. Why? Because consistency is the first and foremost secret for stylish Powerpoint presentations. On the other hand, a lack of consistency will ruin your entire presentation, no matter how good it might be otherwise. So please, always remember to be consistent in everything you do. You have selected a nice color scheme for your first slide? Great, just stick to it and don’t change colors too much on the following slides. You added a nice photograph to illustrate or underline your content? Great, just make sure that the next picture you use is also a photograph and not a drawing or some other kind of graphic. You chose size 12 as the font size for your text boxes? Nothing wrong with that, just make sure that you don’t use size 14 for the box on the next slide. And so on and so on…I could go on for hours about consistency and how important it is, but I guess you got it. So one last time, repeat after me: CONSISTENCY IS KEY! Once you’ve understood that, it’s half the battle